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Archive for February, 2014

Unexpected Expenses and Income!

February 2nd, 2014 at 06:21 pm

It seems like the moment you stop giving thought to Murphy, he sneaks right up on you.

New expenses I need to figure out how to pay for:

1. Replacing windows. $4500
2. Possible hike in HOA dues, for roof and deck replacement. I'm guessing my total cost will be in the $7-10K range.
3. Helping parents out with home renovation. $40,000. Perhaps, $5000 or so every month.
4. This one wasn't unexpected, but another $3300 tuition payment for the GF in March.
5. $3500 in taxes.

At the rate that I'm giving money away, I need to be making closer to $400,000 a year.

On the brighter side, my income shot up significantly in January and I paid off most of my credit card debt. All I'm left with now is $4700 on a 0% card till Dec 2014 and a $130,000 mortgage.

Current net worth excluding house and mortgage - $120,300.